8 Moo 1, Kiriwong, Plai Phraya, Krabi, 81160 Thailand

The company has been duly registered under the laws of Thailand. Is a ground transportation company. Transfer services to airport hotel and locations according to customer requirements. Our company is a private company. Not through any agent or broker. And in our company all together.

Successful booking will receive a confirmation email and service voucher sent by info@krabiprivatetaxi.com so please check your spam or Junk message as it might be be there.

Private transfer service covers southern of Thailand. The transfer is private you will not have to share it with another person.

Taxi one day trip to meet the needs of customers.

Shuttle service to the airport. And various locations according to customer requirements.

Taxi service are a variety of options to choose from. Taxi standards car, Suv and van.

24-hour taxi service.
Our vehicles